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Our primary occupation is farming, stretched into hundreds of acres of fertile land. We have farms, orchards and vineyards at village Bajekan and Dhingsara. Rice, wheat, bajra, moong, moth, sugarcane , mustard are seasonally grown. Varieties of oranges( Kinnows, Santra, malta, narangi) are grown in the during winters. The farms are named primarily by either their location or by their peculiarities. The products are exported and sold in an auction held by the government. The land measurement is done in kilas.

Irrigation is done with the help of underground water by using tube wells, submersible pumps, and canals. Drip irrigation, rain water harvesting and other energy saving mechanisms of irrigation are also employed in some parts.
Haryana being the land of canals has a surplus water supply. It has tapped its ground water resources to maximum. Life irrigation schemes, pump sets, and water channels supply adequate amount of water to the fields and industries.